2024 Hunter Education Instructors AssociationWelcome to our website. Take the time to explore. If you run across a page or information that is totally out of date, please email me at darlene.marquardt@gmail.com to let me know so I can fix it.
LAST CHANCE FOR AN EXCITING OPPORTUNITY TO WINWe have extended our raffle for at least a couple more weeks. We hope to reach or go above our goal of $3000.THANK YOU FOR YOUR PURCHASE.. ANOTHER WAY TO ACCESS THE RAFFLE LINK IS WITH A QR CODE
Become a member or Renew your membership https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/d2bda560-07d3-4d7f-bd84-c6add7e966c2 DONATIONS ARE WELCOME.. POINT YOUR PHONE TO THE QR CODE TO BE DIRECTED TO THE DONATION PAGE or go to this link CLICK HERE TO DONATE Thank you to our board members. br>>They are a very enthusiastic group and we are excited to rejuvinate this organization. Go to board member link to see who your new board consists of. If you are willing to be involved in the leadership of this organization, let our president, Jim, know and we can plug you in. You will see a couple of vacant spots when you view the board member page. Let any one of us know if we can do anything to help you as you teach your classes. CONNECT WITH US ON FACEBOOK.. OHEIA FACEBOOK PAGE WE HAVE A CURRENT NEWSLETTER! See link lower on this page
REMINDERS FOR MEMBERS Is your membership address/phone/email up-to-date with us? Have you renewed your membership? If not, please Contact us Renewing your OHEIA membership is critically important as it supports the hunting and hunter education community in our state, with one voice on behalf of hunter education programs and instructors! On behalf of OHEIA and Hunter Ed - thank you for your support and membership! Our Mission:"To Improve the Teaching of Safe, Ethical and Responsible Hunting" Our Vision "To build a cohesive team of instructors providing the best education opportunities for Oregon citizens and hunting communities. We will do this by continually exploring current technologies and trends in hunting, ethics, conservation and game management. We will build community with all our volunteer instructors where communication and teamwork is encouraged"
Assist Hunter Education instructors to obtain training, teaching aids, and equipment for Hunter Education courses, presentations, and related activities. Provide funding and/or equipment for improvements at shooting ranges or facilities that will assist Hunter Education instructors to provide more effective courses. Provide a forum to discuss Hunter Education program policies and issues. Advocate for and support a Hunter Education program that continues Oregon's safe hunting traditions. When necessary, express the membership's views to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) or media as appropriate. Work with other organizations, businesses, and individuals to help fund projects and activities that enhance Hunter Education programs in Oregon.
If you took some photos of your classes, or hunting trip, or shooting practice, feel free to post them to our facebook photo page (click here) (of course, get permission from the persons in the picture before posting) OHEIA NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS: Please submit articles to OHEIA secretary, Darlene Marquardt * * * * * * *
To All OHEIA Members, Hunter Education Instructors, and Website Visitors:
(Click for Link)
GRANT OPPORTUNITIES The OHEIA Board strongly encourages our members to explore and take advantage of the Grants section on this site. ODFW supports Hunter Education to the greatest degree possible, but there are facility and equipment needs for classes that are outside of their realm and beyond typical class funding abilities. Portable benches, clay bird launchers, video equipment, or permanent facility developments serving numerous classes are potential examples. Jim Marquardt, President OHEIA Go to http://oheia.org/grantapplication.pdf to download application form
NEWSLETTER - CLICK ON IMAGE TO VIEW | Available Forms: Find more Instructor forms by scrolling down this homepage View more Resources MINUTES OHEIA BOARD Feb 12 2024
Send New Memberships or Renewals to Treasurer: Darlene Marquardt at 827 North 5th Street, Athena, Oregon - Make check out to OHEIA
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: Did you renew your OHEIA membership? Our annual membership $20, and our Lifetime Membership at $200. Effective May 1, 2024
These dues are used through our grant program to help Instructors with financial assistance for their Hunter Education classes. All instructors are eligible for these funds.
Please go to our website at www.oheia.org and download a membership form available under the Information tab, or use the one I’ve attached to remit your dues. Remit to the address listed above.
On the website you will also find a grant application form with rules and guidelines on procedures to apply for a grant. Plan to take advantage of OHEIA’s assistance in your efforts to continue the success of your hunter education program.
If there are any questions or concerns with your membership, please feel free to contact me at my email address. I realize some of you are life members and others have already paid your dues, but I wanted to contact you just the same. Again, thank you for your support and involvement in our Association.
Apply to become an Instructor!
Instructors: For students and parents inquiring about available classes - send them to learn about the new system at
To sign up for a class - https://myodfw.com/sites/default/files/2018-12/How%20to%20buy%20license_HE_Nov.%2030%283%29.pdf
Hunter Education Instructor ODFW catalog - http://www.dfw.state.or.us/education/hunter/instructors/catalog.asp
Important Forms
- Application and Student Release (pdf)
- Liability Release (pdf)
- Student Walk-In Form (pdf)
- General ODFW Facility Use Agreement (pdf)
- Class Scheduling and Materials Request (doc)
- Photo Release (pdf)
- Hunter Education Instructor Catalog
Independent Field Day Interactive Map
Reporting Child Abuse (note: H.E. Instructors are not mandatory reporters but strongly encouraged to report suspected child abuse)
Instructors: Send photos of your classes and field days to the webmaster to be added to our albums.